(ZENIT News / Lisbon, 08.02.2023).- Pope Francis left Vatican City on Wednesday morning, August 2, to begin his 42nd International Apostolic Journey to Lisbon, Portugal, on the occasion of the 37th World Youth Day (WYD).
Before leaving the Vatican, Pope Francis greeted some fifteen people in Casa Marta, among them some young people, boys and girls who are spending some time in a rehabilitation community, and who are unable to attend the World Youth Day.
With the youngsters were three grandparents with their grandchildren. This meeting, as well as the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, which was just observed, underscores the bond between generations, who can lean on and learn from one another.
During the flight, in addition to the Holy Father’s greetings to journalists, he sent greeting telegrams to the Heads of States over whose air space he flew: Sergio Matarella,…
Autor: ZENIT Staff
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