Autor: En cuerpo y alma
La Gran Logia Unida de Inglaterra, fundada según su propia web en 1717 formada, según datos de su web oficial, de siete mil logias y 175.000 miembros, ha emitido este mensaje de condolencia a la muerte de la Reina Isabel II de Inglaterra.
“It was with the greatest sadness that the United Grand Lodge of England learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our longest serving British Sovereign.
Queen Elizabeth’s father, His late Majesty King George VI and her consort, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, were both Freemasons. Her cousin, HRH The Duke of Kent, has been Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England since 1967, and will be sending a message of condolence on behalf of all English Freemasons to His Majesty The King. Another of her cousins, HRH Prince Michael of Kent, has been Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master…

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